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Daniel Berenguer was born in Alicante (Spain) in 1989. He was always very interested and motivated for different ways of artistic expressions as well in spiritual and self-understanding research. He studied a title in social-cultural animation and 3 years of classical guitar. He worked 3 years in a musical theater play as a guitar player and actor in "La Tienda de los Suicidas". Also, he started to play some juggling as hobbie like diabolo and staff stick. But in the age of 19 years old, he discovered the contact juggling and started to develop this discipline everyday deeper and deeper. 3 years later he decided to go one step further and become more professional, so he got the training of his contact juggling skills as a full time job. And then he started to work at local events in Spain as middle age markets, festivals, malls, discos, concerts, etc. He also started his career as a street performer first in Spain, then Germany, and nowadays in many places around Europe! Now he uses to perform most of the times in events around Germany as Lichterfests, festivals and local meetings.